Saturday, July 22, 2006

Letter to US Embassy

Your Excellency,
We may be the last generation that still has enough faith to address a letter to the Ambassador of the United States in hopes of having our message received and understood in Washington. As is becoming increasingly evident, there is little faith left or credibility for the US within the Arab world, but that need not be the case.
Despite honorable initiatives like USAID, the good of such initiatives is starkly overshadowed by other direct and indirect policies. We have never before in this region witnessed such destructive warfare and ‘low level’ hostility. This has done nothing but bring harm to American global interests and Moderates in the Middle East.
Your Excellency,
We plea for urgent and immediate American pressure to stop the bloodshed in Lebanon. This conflict has more impact than the US administration foresees and needs to be taken seriously. Not only is the future of Lebanon at stake, the future of the world is too, especially in this age of intensified and indiscriminate terrorism. It is clear that American policy is radicalizing the region, putting at all moderates at risk.
Lebanon is an innocent and promising country with a heritage of democracy and striving for peace. It had been actively reinvigorating its social, political and economic life after more than two decades of Civil War, until last week. Now it is suffering systematic destruction by Israel, with no visible American disagreement or opposition towards the criminal actions of its closest ally. The US is wrong when it offers the sole veto to Security Council resolutions seeking to immediately relieve Lebanon from attack. By doing so time and again, you lose your credibility.
Your Excellency,
Our words may not be diplomatic, but this is a reality check on the direction American policy in the Middle East is taking us all. These policies are so far removed from the logical that it makes even the most pro-American among us cringe with horror. Where is the America that rebuilt Europe or formed the United Nations? Where is the US that defends the weak and promotes life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? All we see is an America blinding supporting war crimes.
The most recent victim is peace-striving, democratic Lebanon.
Mr. Ambassador, please do what you can to bring about peace in Lebanon immediately. Encourage a return to talks rather than ballistics. Bring back a true American way of life, help us build bridges again. Stop the bloodshed.
Thank you,


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